

ল্যাটিন লিগ্যাল ম্যাক্সিম Latin legal maxims with Bangla


ল্যাটিন লিগ্যাল ম্যাক্সিম Latin legal maxims with Bangla

ল্যাটিন ম্যাক্সিম

ইংরেজি অনুবাদ

a bene placito

from one who has been pleased well

a caelo usque ad centrum

from the sky to the center

a capite ad calcem

from head to heel

a contrario

from the opposite

a Deucalione

since Deucalion

a fortiori

from the stronger

a mari usque ad mare

from sea to sea

a pedibus usque ad caput

from feet to head

a posse ad esse

from being able to being

a posteriori

from the latter

a priori

from the former

ab absurdo

from the absurd

ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia

a consequence from an abuse to a use is not v

ab aeterno

from the eternal

ab antiquo

from the ancient

ab epistulis

from the letter

ab extra

from beyond

ab hinc

from here on

ab imo pectore

from the bottom of my heart

ab inconvenienti

from an inconvenient thing

ab incunabulis

from the cradle

ab initio

from the beginning

ab intestato

from an intestate

ab intra

from within

ab irato

from an angry man

ab origine

from the source

ab ovo usque ad mala

from the egg to the apples

ab uno disce omnes

from one, learn all

ab urbe condita (a.u.c.)

from the city having been founded

ab utili

from utility

absens haeres non erit

an absent person will not be an heir

absente reo (abs. re.)

with the defendant being absent

absit iniuria verbis

let injury by words be absent

absit invidia

let ill will be absent

absit omen

let an omen be absent

absolutum dominium

absolute dominion


I acquit

abundans cautela non nocet

abundant caution does no harm

abusus non tollit usum

misuse does not remove use

abyssus abyssum invocat

deep calleth unto deep

accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo

no one ought to accuse himself except in the

Accipe Hoc

Take this

acta est fabula plaudite

The play has been performed; applaud!

acta non verba

actions, not words

Acta Sanctorum

Deeds of the Saints

actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea

The act is not guilty unless the mind is also

actus reus

guilty act

ad absurdum

to the absurd

adaequatio intellect?s nostri cum re

conformity of our minds to the fact

ad abundantiam

to abundance

ad astra

to the stars

ad astra per aspera

to the stars through difficulty

ad astra per alia porci

to the stars on the wings of a pig

ad captandum vulgus

in order to court the crowd

ad eundem

to the same

ad fontes

to the sources

ad fundum

to the bottom

ad hoc

to this

ad hominem

to the man

ad honorem

to the honor

ad infinitum

to infinity

ad interim (ad int)

for the meantime

ad Kalendas Graecas

to the Greek Kalends

ad libitum (ad lib)

toward pleasure

ad litem

to the lawsuit

ad lucem

to the light

ad maiorem Dei gloriam (AMDG)

To the greater glory of God

ad meliora

Towards better things

ad mortem

To death

ad multos annos

To many years!

ad nauseam

to the point of disgust

ad oculos

With your own eyes.

ad pedem litterae

to the foot of the letter

ad perpetuam memoriam

to the perpetual memory

ad pondus omnium (ad pond om)

to the weight of all things

ad quod damnum

to what damage

ad referendum

to that which must be brought back

(ad ref)

ad rem

to the matter

ad terminum qui praeteriit

for the term which has passed

ad undas

to the waves

ad usum Delphini

for the use of the Dauphin

ad usum proprium (ad us. propr.)

for one's own use

ad utrumque paratus

prepared for either alternative

ad valorem

to the value

ad victoriam

to victory

ad vitam aeternam

to eternal life

ad vitam aut culpam

for life or until fault


thing to be added

adequatio intellectus et rei

correspondence of the mind and reality


I am here

adversus solem ne loquitor

Don't speak against the sun

aegri somnia

a sick man's dreams


Justice or equality


of age" / "aged" (in the sense of: "age: ...)

aetatis suae

of his own age


he asserted

age quod agis

Do what you are doing.


things to be done

Agnus Dei

Lamb of God

alea iacta est

the die is cast

alenda lux ubi orta libertas

Let learning be cherished where liberty has a





alis aquilae

on an eagle's wings

alis grave nil

nothing is heavy to those who have wings

alis volat propris

she flies with her own wings


Rather big


Not that big

aliquid stat pro aliquo

something that stands for something else

alma mater

nourishing mother

alter ego

other I

alterius non sit qui suus esse potest

Let no man belong to another that can belong

alterum non laedere

to not wound another

alumna or



amicus curiae

friend of the court

amittere legem terrae

to lose the law of the land

amor est vitae essentia

love is the essence of life

amor et melle et felle est fecundissmismus

love is rich with both honey and venom

amor fati

love of fate

amor omnibus idem

love is the same for all

amor patriae

love of one's country

amor vincit omnia

love conquers all


in English

anno (an.)

in the year

Anno Domini (A.D.)

in the Year of the Lord

anno regni

In the year of the reign

Annuit C?ptis

He Has Approved the Undertakings

annus horribilis

horrible year

annus mirabilis

wonderful year

annus terribilis

dreadful year

ante bellum

before the war

ante cibum (a.c.)

before food

ante litteram

before the letter

ante meridiem (a.m.)

before midday

ante mortem

before death

ante prandium (a.p.)

before lunch

apparatus criticus

critical apparatus

aqua (aq.)


aqua fortis

strong water

aqua pura

pure water

aqua regia

royal water

aqua vitae

water of life

aquila non capit muscam

an eagle doesn't catch flies

arare litus

to plough the seashore

arbiter elegantiarum

judge of tastes

arcus senilis

senile bow

Argentum album

white money


for arguing



ars [est] celare artem

art [is] to conceal art

ars gratia artis

art for art's sake

ars longa vita brevis

art is long, life is short

asinus ad lyram

an ass to the lyre

asinus asinum fricat

the jackass rubs the jackass

assecuratus non quaerit lucrum sed agit ne in damno sit

the assured does not seek profit but just ind

audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret

slander boldly, something always sticks



audax at fidelis

bold but faithful


let us dare

audemus jura nostra defendere

we dare to defend our rights

audentes fortuna iuvat

fortune favors the bold

audere est facere

to dare is to do

audi alteram partem

hear the other side

audio hostem

I hear the enemy

aurea mediocritas

golden mean

auri sacra fames

accursed hunger for gold

auribus teneo lupum

I hold a wolf by the ears

aurora australis

southern dawn

aurora borealis

northern dawn

aurum potestas est

gold is power

auspicium melioris aevi

hope of a better age

aut Caesar aut nihil

either Caesar or nothing

aut concilio aut ense

either by meeting or by the sword

aut pax aut bellum

either peace or war

aut viam inveniam aut faciam

Either I shall find a way, or I shall make on

aut vincere aut mori

either to conquer or to die

ave atque vale

Hail and farewell!

ave Caesar morituri te salutant

Hail, Caesar! The ones who are about to die s

ave Europa nostra vera Patria

Hail, Europe, our true Fatherland!

Ave Maria

Hail, Mary


barba tenus sapientes

wise as far as the beard

Beata Virgo Maria (BVM)

Blessed Virgin Mary

beatae memoriae

of blessed memory

beati pauperes spiritu

Blessed in spirit [are] the poor.

beati possidentes

blessed [are] those who possess

beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

blessed is the man who finds wisdom

bella gerant alii

let others wage war

bellum omnium contra omnes

war of all against all

bibo ergo sum

I drink, therefore I am

bis dat qui cito dat

he gives twice, who gives promptly

bis in die (bid)

twice in a day

bona fide

in good faith

bona notabilia

bona officia

good services

bona patria

bona vacantia

vacant goods

boni pastoris est tondere pecus non deglubere

It is of a good shepherd to shear his flock,

bonum commune communitatis

common good of the community

bonum commune hominis

common good of a man

cacoethes scribendi

bad habit of writing

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

Kill them. For the Lord knows those who are h

cadavera vero innumera

truly countless bodies

caetera desunt

the rest is wanting

calix meus inebrians

my cup makes me drunk

camera obscura

dark chamber

canes pugnaces

war dogs" or "fighting dogs

canis canem edit

dog eats dog

capax infiniti

capable of the infinite

caput inter nubila (condit)

head in the clouds

Caritas Christi

The love of Christ

carpe diem

seize the day

carpe noctem

seize the night

Carthago delenda est

Carthage must be destroyed

casus belli

event of war

causa mortis

cause of death



cave canem

beware of the dog

cave laborem

beware of work

cave nil vino

beware of running out of wine

caveat emptor

let the buyer beware

caveat lector

let the reader beware

caveat subscriptor

let the signer beware

caveat venditor

let the seller beware

caveat utilitor

let the user beware

Cedant arma togae

let arms yield to the gown

celerius quam asparagi cocuntur

more swiftly than asparagus is cooked

cepi corpus

I got the body

certum est quod certum reddi potest

It is certain if it is capable of being rende

cessante ratione legis cessat ipsa lex

When the reason for the law ceases, the law i

cetera desunt

the rest are missing

ceteris paribus

with other things equal

charta pardonationis se defendendo

a paper of pardon to him who defended himself

charta pardonationis utlagariae

a paper of pardon to the outlaw

Christianos ad leones

[Throw the] Christians to the lions!

Christo et Doctrinae

For Christ and Learning

Christus nos liberavit

Christ has freed us

Christus Rex

Christ the King

circa (c.) or (ca.)


circulus in probando

Circle made in testing (a premise)

circulus vitiosus

vicious circle

citius altius fortius

faster, higher, stronger

Clamea admittenda in itinere per atturnatum

clausum fregit

claves Sancti Petri

the keys of Saint Peter

clavis aurea

Golden key

clerico admittendo

about to be made a clerk

clerico capto per statutum mercatorum

clerico convicto commisso gaolae in defectu ordinarii deliberando

clerico intra sacros ordines constituto non eligendo in officium

Codex Iuris Canonici

Book of Canon Law

Coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt

Those who hurry cross the sea change the sky

cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore I am.

coitus interruptus

interrupted congress

coitus more ferarum

congress in the way of beasts

collige virgo rosas

pick, girl, the roses

combinatio nova

new combination

communibus annis

"in common years"

communibus locis

"in common places"

communis opinio

generally accepted view

compos mentis

in control of the mind

concordia cum veritate

in harmony with truth

concordia salus

salvation through harmony

condemnant quod non intellegunt

They condemn what they do not understand or T

condicio sine qua non

condition without which not

confer (cf.)

bring together

Confoederatio Helvetica (C.H.)

Helvetian Confederation

coniunctis viribus

with connected strength

Consuetudo pro lege servatur

Custom is kept before the law

consummatum est

It is completed.

contemptus saeculi

scorn for the times

contra spem spero

hope against hope

contradictio in terminis

contradiction in terms

contraria contrariis curantur

"the opposite is cured with the opposite"

contra bonos mores

against good morals

contra legem

against the law

cor ad cor loquitur

heart speaks to heart

cor aut mors

Heart or Death

cor meum tibi offero domine prompte et sincere

my heart I offer to you Lord promptly and sin

cor unum

one heart

coram Deo

in the Presence of God

coram populo

in the presence of the people

coram nobis, coram vobis

in our presence, in your presence

Corpus Christi

Body of Christ

corpus delicti

body of the offence

Corpus Iuris Canonici

Body of Canon Law

Corpus Iuris Civilis

Body of Civil Law

corpus vile

worthless body


things to be corrected

corruptio optimi pessima

the corruption of the best is the worst

corruptus in extremis

corrupt to the extreme

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges

When the republic is at its most corrupt the

Cras amet qui nunquam amavit; quique amavit, cras amet

May he love tomorrow who has never loved befo

Credo in Unum Deum

I Believe in One God

credo quia absurdum est

I believe it because it is absurd

crescamus in Illo per omina

May we grow in Him through all things

crescat scientia vita excolatur

let knowledge grow, let life be enriched

crescit eundo

it grows as it goes

cruci dum spiro fido

while I live, I trust in the cross, Whilst I

cucullus non facit monachum

The hood does not make the monk

cui bono

Good for whom?

cui prodest

for whom it advances

cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos

Whose the land is, all the way to the sky and

cuius regio, eius religio

whose region, his religion

Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in



cum gladiis et fustibus

with swords and clubs

cum gladio et sale

with sword and salt

cum grano salis

with a grain of salt

cum hoc ergo prompter hoc

with this, therefore on account of this

cum laude

with praise

cum mortuis in lingua mortua

with the dead in a dead language

cura personalis

care for the whole person

cura te ipsum

take care of your own self

cur Deus Homo

Why the God/Man

curriculum vitae

course of life

custos morum

keeper of morals

cygnis insignis

distinguished by its swans

cygnus inter anates

swan among ducks

Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius

Give me the fact(s), I'll give you the law

damnatio memoriae

damnation of memory

damnum absque injuria

damage without injury

data venia

with due respect" or "given the excuse

dat deus incrementum

God grants the increase

de bonis asportatis

carrying goods away

Decus Et Tutamen

An ornament and a safeguard

descensus in cuniculi cavum

The descent into the cave of the rabbit

de dato

of the date

de facto

in fact

de fideli

with faithfulness

de futuro

regarding the future

de gustibus non est disputandum

there is not to be discussion regarding taste

de integro

again, a second time

de jure

by law

de lege ferenda

from law to be passed

de lege lata

from law passed" or "by law in force

de minimis non curat lex

The law does not bother with the smallest thi

de minimis non curat praetor

The commander does not bother with the smalle

de mortuis aut bene aut nihil

about the dead, either well or nothing

de mortuis nil nisi bonum

about the dead, nothing unless a good thing

de nobis fabula narratur

about us is the story told

de novo

from the new

de omnibus dubitandum

be suspicious of everything, doubt everything

de omni re scibili et quibusdam aliis

about every knowable thing, and even certain

De Oppresso Liber

Free From Having Been Oppressed

de profundis

from the depths

de re

about the matter

Dei Gratia Regina

By the Grace of God, Queen

Dei sub numine viget

under God's Spirit she flourishes

delectatio morosa

peevish delight

deliriant isti Romani

They are mad, those Romans!

Deo ac veritati

God and Truth

Deo domuique

for God and for home

Deo et Patriae

for God and Country

Deo gratias

thanks [be] to God

Deo Optimo Maximo (DOM)

To the Best and Greatest God

Deo vindice

with God as protector

Deo volente

with God willing

deus caritas est

God is Love

deus ex machina

a god from a machine

Deus vult

God wills it!

deus otiosus

God at leisure

Dicto simpliciter

[From] a maxim, simply

dictum meum pactum

my word [is] my bond

diem perdidi

I have lost the day

Diem Ex Dei

Day of God

Dies Irae

Day of Wrath

Dies non juridicum

Day without judiciary

differentia specifica

specific differences


I direct

dis aliter visum

it seemed otherwise to the gods

dis manibus sacrum (D.M.S.)

Sacred to the ghost-gods

Disce aut Discede

Learn or Depart

disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus

Learn as if always going to live; live as if

discipuli nostri bardissimi sunt

Our students are the stupidest

disjecta membra

scattered limbs

ditat Deus

God enriches

divide et impera

divide and rule


I have spoken

["...", ...] dixit

["...", ...] said

do ut des

I give that you may give

Docendo discitur

It is learned by teaching

Docendo disco, scribendo cogito

I learn by teaching, think by writing.

dolus specialis

special intent

Domine dirige nos

Lord guide us

Dominus Illuminatio Mea

the Lord is my light

Dominus vobiscum

Lord be with you

dona nobis pacem

give us peace

donatio mortis causa

giving in expectation of death

draco dormiens nunquam titillandus

a sleeping dragon is never to be tickled

dramatis personae

the parts of the play

Duae tabulae rasae in quibus nihil scriptum est

Two blank slates with nothing written upon th

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt

The fates lead the willing and drag the unwil

Ductus exemplo

Leadership by Example

dulce bellum inexpertis

war is sweet to the inexperienced

dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

It is sweet and honorable to die for the fath

dulce et utile

a sweet and useful thing

dulce periculum

danger is sweet

Dulcius ex asperis

sweeter after difficulties

dum spiro spero

while I breathe, I hope

dum Roma deliberat Saguntum perit

while Rome debates, Saguntum is in danger

dum vivimus servimus

While we live, we serve

dura lex sed lex

the law [is] harsh, but [it is] the law

dura mater

tough mother

dum vita est, spes est

while there is life, there is hope

dux bellorum

War leader

e pluribus unum

'From many, (comes) One.'

Ecce Homo

'Behold the Man'

editio princeps

'first edition'


'for the sake of example'

Ego non

'not I'

ego te absolvo

'I absolve you'

ego te provoco

'I dare you'



ens causa sui

'existing because of oneself'

ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem

'by the sword she seeks gentle peace under li

entitas ipsa involvit aptitudinem ad extorquendum certum assensum

'reality involves a power to compel sure asse

eo ipso

'by that very act'

equo ne credite

'do not trust the horse'

eo nomine

'by that name'



erga omnes

'in relation to everyone'

errare humanum est

'to err is human'



esse est percipi

'to be is to be perceived'

esse quam videri

'to be, rather than to seem'

esto perpetua

'may it be perpetual'

et alibi (et al.)

'and elsewhere'

et alii (et al.)

'and others'

et cetera (etc.) or (&c.)

'And the rest'

et facta est lux

And light was made

et hoc genus omne

'And all that sort of thing'

etiam si omnes... ego non

also if all ones... not I

et in Arcadia ego

'and in Arcadia [am] I'

et nunc reges intelligite erudimini qui judicati terram

'And now, O ye kings, understand: receive ins

et si omnes... ego non

even if all ones... not I

et sequentes (et seq.)

'and the following'

et suppositio nil ponit in esse

'a supposition puts nothing in being'

et tu, Brute?

'And you, Brutus?'

et uxor (et ux.)

'and wife'

ex abundantia enim cordis os loquitur

'For out of the abundance of the heart the mo

ex abundanti cautela

'from abundant caution'

ex aequo

'from the equal'

ex animo

'from the heart'

ex ante

'from before'

Ex Astris Scientia

'From the Stars, Knowledge'

ex cathedra

'from the chair'

ex Deo

'from God'

ex dolo malo

'from fraud'

ex facie

'from the face'

ex fide fiducia

'from faith [comes] confidence'

ex gratia

'from kindness'

ex hypothesi

'from the hypothesis'

ex lege

'from the law'

ex libris

'from the books'

ex luna scientia

'from the moon, knowledge'

ex malo bonum

'good out of evil'

ex mea sententia

'in my opinion'

ex nihilo nihil fit

'nothing may come from nothing'

ex oblivione

'from oblivion'

ex officio

'from the office'

ex opere operantis

'from the work of the one working'

ex opere operato

'from the work worked'

ex oriente lux

'from the East, the light'

ex parte

'from a part'

ex pede Herculem

'from Hercules' foot'

ex post

'from after'

ex post facto

'from a thing done afterward'

ex professo

'with due competence'

ex scientia tridens

'from knowledge, sea power.'

ex scientia vera

'from knowledge, truth.'

ex silentio

'from silence'

ex tempore

'from time'

ex vi termini

'from the force of the term'

ex vivo

'out of or from life'

ex voto

'from the vow'



exceptio firmat regulam in casibus non exceptis

'The exception confirms the rule in cases whi

exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis

'The exception confirms the rule in cases whi

excusatio non petita accusatio manifesta

'an excuse that has not been sought is an obv


'may he leave'

exempli gratia (e.g.)

'for the sake of example'

exercitus sine duce corpus est sine spiritu

'an army without leader is like a body withou


'they leave'

experientia docet

'experience teaches'

experimentum crucis

'crucial experiment'

experto crede

'trust the expert'

expressio unius est exclusio alterius

'the expression of the one is the exclusion o


'still in existence; surviving'

extra domus

'(placed) outside of the house'

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus

'Outside the Church there is no salvation'

Extra omnes

'Out, all of you.'

extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur

'he who administers justice outside of his te

Faber est suae quisque fortunae

Every man is the artisan of his own fortune

fac fortia et patere

do brave deeds and endure

fac simile

make a similar thing

facta, non verba

actions, not words

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

false in one thing, false in everything

felo de se

felon from himself

fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt

men generally believe what they want to

festina lente

hurry slowly

fiat iustitia et pereat mundus

let justice be done, and the world shall peri

fiat justitia ruat caelum

let justice be done should the sky fall

fiat lux

let light be made

Fiat Voluntas Dei

May God's will be done

Fiat Voluntas Tua

Thy will be done

Fidei Defensor (Fid Def) or (fd)

Defender of the Faith

fidem scit

"He knows the faith"

fides qua creditur

the faith by which it is believed

fides quae creditur

"the faith which is believed

fides quaerens intellectum

"faith seeking understanding

fidus Achates

faithful Achates

finis vitae sed non amoris

The end of Life is not the end of Love

omnibus locis fit caedes

Let there be slaughter everywhere

flagellum dei

scourge of god

flectere si nequeo superos, Achaeronta movebo

If I cannot move heaven I will raise hell

floreat etona

May Eton Flourish

floruit (fl.)

one flourished

fluctuat nec mergitur

she wavers and is not immersed

fons et origo

the spring and source

fortes fortuna adiuvat

Fortune favours the bold

fortes in fide

strong in faith

fortis cadere, cedere non potest

The brave may fall, but cannot yield

fortis est veritas

truth is strong

fortis et liber

strong and free

fortiter et fideliter

bravely and faithfully




gaudeamus hodie

let us rejoice today

gaudeamus igitur

therefore let us rejoice

gaudium in veritate

joy in truth

generalia specialibus non derogant

universal things do not detract from specific

genius loci

spirit of place

gesta non verba

Deeds not words

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Glory to God in the Highest

Gloria Patri

Glory to the Father

gloriosus et liber

glorious and free

Gradibus ascendimus

Ascending by degrees

gradatim ferociter

by degrees, ferociously

Gratiae veritas naturae

Truth through God's mercy and nature

graviora manent

heavier things remain

gutta cavat lapidem non vi sed saepe cadendo

a water drop hollows a stone not by force, bu

habeas corpus

You should have the body

habemus papam

we have a pope

Habent sua fata libelli

Books have their destiny [according to the ca

hac lege

with this law

haec olim meminisse iuvabit

one day, this will be pleasing to remember

Hannibal ante portas

Hannibal before the gates

Hannibal ad portas

Hannibal is at the gates

haud ignota loquor

I speak not of unknown things

hic abundant leones

here lions abound

hic et nunc

here and now

hic jacet (HJ)

here lies

hic manebimus optime

here we'll stay excellently

hic sunt dracones

here there are dragons

hic sunt leones

here there are lions

hinc illae lacrimae

hence those tears

historia vitae magistra

history, the teacher of life

hoc age

do this

hoc est bellum

This is war

hoc est Christum cognoscere, beneficia eius cognoscere

To know Christ is to know his benefits

Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum

This is my Body

homo homini lupus

man [is a] wolf to man

homo sum humani a me nihil alienum puto

I am a human being; nothing human is strange

homo unius libri (timeo)

(I fear) a man of one book

hominem non morbum cura

Treat the Man, not the Disease

honor virtutis praemium

esteem is the reward of virtue

honoris causa

for the sake of honor

hora fugit

the hour flees

hora somni (h.s.)

at the hour of sleep

horas non numero nisi serenas

I do not count the hours unless they are sunn

hortus in urbe

A garden in the city

hortus siccus

A dry garden

horribile dictu

horrible to say

hostis humani generis

enemy of the human race

hypotheses non fingo

I do not fabricate hypotheses

ibidem (ibid.)

in the same place

idem (id.)

the same

idem quod (i.q.)

the same as

id est (i.e.)

that is

id quod plerumque accidit

that which generally happens

Idus Martiae

the Ides of March

Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (INRI)

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews

igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum

Therefore whoever desires peace, let him prep

igne natura renovatur integra

through fire, nature is reborn whole

igni ferroque

with fire and iron

ignis aurum probat

fire tests gold

ignis fatuus

foolish fire

ignorantia juris non excusat

ignorance of the law does not excuse

ignoratio elenchi

ignorance of the issue

ignotum per ignotius

unknown by means of the more unknown

ignotus (ign.)


imago Dei

image of God

imitatio dei

imitation of a god

imperium in imperio

an order within an order

imperium sine fine

an empire without an end


let it be printed

in absentia

in the absence

in actu

in act

in articulo mortis

at the point of death

in camera

in the chamber

in casu

in the event

in cauda venenum

the poison is in the tail

incertae sedis

of uncertain position (seat)

incredibile dictu

incredible to say

in Deo speramus

in God we hope

Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Index of Prohibited (or, Forbidden) Books

indivisibiliter ac inseparabiliter

indivisible and inseparable

in dubio pro reo

in doubt, on behalf of the [alleged] culprit

in duplo

in double

in effigie

in the likeness

in esse

in existence

in extenso

in the extended

in extremis

in the furthest reaches

in fidem

into faith

in fieri

in becoming

in fine (i.f.)

in the end

Infinitus est numerus stultorum.

Infinite is the number of fools.

Infirma mundi elegit Deus

God chooses the weak of the world

in flagrante delicto

in a blazing wrong, while the crime is blazin

in flore

in blossom

in foro

in forum

infra dignitatem (infra dig)

beneath one's dignity

in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

We enter the circle at night and are consumed

in hoc signo vinces

by this sign you will conquer

in hunc effectum

for this purpose

in illo tempore

in that time

in inceptum finis est

[roughly]the way you begin is how you will en

in limine

at the outset

in loco

in the place

in loco parentis

in the place of a parent

in luce Tua videmus lucem

in Thy light we see light

in lumine tuo videbimus lumen

in your light we will see the light

in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum

into your hands I entrust my spirit

in medias res

into the middle of things

in memoriam

into the memory

in necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas

in necessary things unity, in doubtful things

in nuce

in a nut

In omnia paratus

Ready for anything.

in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro

Everywhere I have searched for peace and nowh

in partibus infidelium

in the parts of the infidels

in pectore

in the heart

in personam

into a person

in posse

in potential

in propria persona

in one's own person

In re

in the matter [of]

In rem

to the thing

in rerum natura

in the nature of things

in retentis

among things held back

in saeculo

in the times

in salvo

in safety

in silico

in silicon

(Dog Latin)

in situ

in the place

In somnis veritas

In dreams there is truth

In spe

in hope

In specialibus generalia quaerimus

To seek the general in the specifics

instante mense (inst.)

in the present month

in statu nascendi

in the state of being born

intaminatis fulget honoribus

Untarnished, she shines with honor

integer vitae scelerisque purus

unimpaired by life and clean of wickedness

inter alia (i.a.)

among other things

inter alios

among others

inter arma enim silent leges

In the face of arms, the law falls mute, more

inter caetera

among others

inter spem et metum

between hope and fear

inter vivos

between the living

in toto

in all

intra muros

within the walls

intra vires

within the powers

in triplo

in triple

in utero

in the womb

in utrumque paratus

Prepared for either (event)

in vacuo

in a void

In varietate concordia

Literally, In variety, concord (Loosely, In d

in vino veritas

in wine [there is] truth

in vitro

in glass

in vivo

in life" or "in a living thing

in vivo veritas

in a living thing [there is] truth

invictus maneo

I remain unvaquished

Iohannes est nomen eius

John is its name / Juan es su Nombre

ipsa scientia potestas est

knowledge itself is power

ipse dixit

he himself said it

ipsissima verba

the very words themselves

ipsissima voce

the very 'voice' itself

ipso facto

by the fact itself

Ira Deorum

Wrath of the Gods

ira furor brevis est

Wrath (anger) is but a brief madness

ita vero

thus indeed

Ite, missa est

Go, it is sent" (or, more loosely: "You have

Iter Legis

The path of the law

iugulare mortuos

to cut the throat of corpses

iura novit curia

the court knows the laws

iuris ignorantia est cum ius nostrum ignoramus

it is ignorance of the law when we do not kno

ius accrescendi

right of accrual

ius ad bellum

law towards war

ius cogens

compelling law

ius in bello

law in war

ius primae noctis

law of the first night

iustitia omnibus

justice for all

iuventitus veho fortunas

I bear the fortunes of youth

iuventuti nil arduum

to the young nothing is difficult

Labor omnia vincit

Hard work conquers all

Laborare pugnare parati sumus

To work, (or) to fight; we are ready

Labore et honore

By labour and honour

Laboremus pro patria

Let us work for the fatherland

Laboris gloria Ludi

Work hard, Play hard

lapsus linguae

slip of the tongue

lapsus memoriae

slip of memory

Laudator Temporis Acti

praiser of time past

Laudetur Jesus Christus

Praise (Be) Jesus Christ

laus Deo

praise be to God

lectori salutem

greetings reader

lege artis

according to the law of the art

legem terrae

the law of the land

leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, et moriuntur

laws of man are born, live and die

leges sine moribus vanae

laws without morals [are] vain



lex artis

law of the skill

lex orandi, lex credendi

the law of prayer is the law of faith

lex dei vitae lampas

the law of God is the lamp of life

lex ferenda

the law that should be borne

lex hac edictali

the law here proclaims

lex in casu

law in the event

lex lata

the law that has been borne

lex loci

law of the place

lex non scripta

law that has not been written

lex parsimoniae

law of succinctness

lex rex

the law [is] king

lex scripta

written law

lex talionis

the law of retaliation

lex tempus

time is the law

libera te tutemet (ex inferis)

Free yourself (from hell)

Libertas Justitia Veritas

Liberty Justice Truth

Libertas Quae Sera Tamen

freedom which [is] however late

libra (lb)


loco citato (lc)

in the place cited

locus classicus

a classic place

locus deperditus

place of (irremediable) loss

locus minoris resistentiae

place of less resistance

lorem ipsum

sorrow itself, pain for its own sake

luceat lux vestra

Let your light shine

lucem sequimur

We follow the light

luctor et emergo

I struggle and emerge

lucus a non lucendo

[it is] a grove by not being light

lupus in fabula

the wolf in the story

lupus non mordet lupum

a wolf does not bite a wolf

lux et lex

light and law

lux et veritas

light and truth

lux ex tenebris

light from darkness

lux hominum vita

life the light of men

lux in Domino

light in the Lord

lux libertas

light, liberty

lux mentis lux orbis

Light of the mind, light of the world

lux sit

let there be light

lux tua nos ducat

Your Light Guides Us

magister dixit

the teacher has said it

Magna Carta

Great Charter

magna cum laude

with great praise

Magna Europa est Patria Nostra

Great Europe is Our Fatherland

magna est vis consuetudinis

great is the power of habit

magno cum gaudio

with great joy

magnum opus

great work

maiora premunt

greater things are pressing

mala fide

in bad faith

mala tempora currunt

bad times are upon us

male captus bene detentus

wrongly captured, properly detained

Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

I prefer liberty with danger to peace with sl

malum discordiae

apple of discord

malum quo communius eo peius

the more common an evil is, the worse it is

malum in se

wrong in itself

malum prohibitum

wrong due to being prohibited

manu militari

with a military hand

manu propria (m.p.)

with one's own hand

manus celer Dei

the swift hand of God

manus manum lavat

one hand washes the other

mare clausum

closed sea

mare liberum

free sea

mare nostrum

our sea

Mater Dei

Mother of God

Mater Facit

Mother Does It

Mater semper certa est

The mother is always certain

mater familias

the mother of the family

materia medica

medical matter

me vexat pede

it annoys me at the foot

Mea Culpa

My Fault

Mea navis a?ricumbens anguillis abundat

My hovercraft is full of eels

Media vita in morte sumus

In the midst of our lives we die

Mediolanum captum est

Milan has been captured


better things

Melita, domi adsum

Honey, I'm home!

memento mori

remember that [you will] die

memento vivere

a reminder of life

memores acti prudentes futuri

mindful of what has been done, aware of what

mens agitat molem

the mind moves the mass

mens et manus

mind and hand

mens rea

guilty mind

mens sana in corpore sano

a sound mind in a sound body

meminerunt omnia amantes

lovers remember all

metri causa

for the sake of the meter

Miles Gloriosus

Glorious Soldier

minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus

he threatens the innocent who spares the guil

mirabile dictu

wonderful to tell

mirabile visu

wonderful by the sight

miscerique probat populos et foedera jungi

He approves of the mingling of the peoples an

miserabile visu

terrible by the sight

miserere nobis

have mercy upon us

missit me Dominus

the Lord has sent me


we send

mobilis in mobili

moving in a moving thing" or, poetically, "ch

modus operandi (M.O.)

method of operating

modus ponens

method of placing

modus tollens

method of removing

modus morons


(Dog Latin)

modus vivendi

method of living

montaini semper liberi

mountaineers [are] always free

Montis Insignia Calpe

Badge of the Rock of Gibraltar

mortui vivos docent

(Let the) dead teach the living

more ferarum

like beasts

morituri nolumus mori

we who are about to die don't want to

morituri te salutant

those who are about to die salute you

mors certa, hora incerta

death is certain, its hour is uncertain

mors tua vita mea

your death, my life

mors vincit omnia

death conquers all" or "death always wins

mortuum flagellas

you are flogging a dead

mos maiorum

the custom of our ancestors

motu proprio

on his own initiative

mulgere hircum

to milk a male goat

multa paucis

Say much in few words

multis e gentibus vires

from many peoples, strength

multum in parvo

much in little

mundus vult decipi

the world wants to be deceived

munit haec et altera vincit

this one defends and the other one conquers

mutatis mutandis

with those things changed which needed to be

nasciturus pro iam nato habetur, quotiens de commodis eius agitur

The unborn is deemed to have been born to the

natura abhorret a vacuo

nature abhors a vacuum

natura non contristatur

nature is not saddened

natura non facit saltum ita nec lex

nature does not make a leap, thus neither doe

natura non facit saltus

nature makes no leaps

naturalia non sunt turpia

What is natural is not dirty.

naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.

You may drive out Nature with a pitchfork, ye

navigare necesse est vivere non est necesse

to sail is necessary; to live is not necessar

ne plus ultra

nothing more beyond

ne sutor ultra crepidam

Cobbler, no further than the sandal!

nec dextrorsum, nec sinistrorsum

Neither to the right nor to the left

nec spe, nec metu

without hope, without fear

nec tamen consumebatur

and yet it was not consumed

nec temere nec timide

neither reckless nor timid

neca eos omnes, deus suos agnoscet

kill them all, god will know his own.

nemine contradicente (nem. con.)

with no one speaking against

nemo dat quod non habet

no one gives what he does not have

nemo est supra legis

nobody is above the law

nemo iudex in sua causa

no man shall be a judge in his own cause

nemo malus felix

peace visits not the guilty mind

nemo me impune lacessit

no one provokes me with impunity

nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit

No mortal is wise at all times

nemo nisi per amicitiam cognoscitur

No one learns except by friendship

nemo saltat sobrius

Nobody dances sober

nemo tenetur seipsum accusare

no one is bound to accuse himself

nervos belli, pecuniam infinitam

Endless money forms the sinews of war

nihil ad rem

nothing to do with the point

nihil dicit

he says nothing

nihil novi

nothing of the new

nihil obstat

nothing prevents

Nihil sine Deo

Nothing without God

nil admirari

be surprised at nothing

nil desperandum

nothing must be despaired at

nil nisi bonum

(about the dead say) nothing unless (it is) g

nil nisi malis terrori

no terror, except to the bad

nil per os (n.p.o.)

nothing through the mouth

nil satis nisi optimum

nothing [is] enough unless [it is] the best

nil sine labore

nothing without labour

nil sine numine

nothing without the divine will

nil volentibus arduum

Nothing [is] arduous for the willing

nisi Dominus frustra

if not the Lord, [it is] in vain

nisi prius

unless previously

nolens volens

unwilling, willing

noli me tangere

do not touch me

noli turbare circulos meos

Do not disturb my circles!

nolite te bastardes carborundorum

"Don't let the bastards grind you down

(Dog Latin)

nolle prosequi

to be unwilling to prosecute

nolo contendere

I do not wish to contend

nomen dubium

doubtful name

nomen est omen

the name is a sign

nomen nescio (N.N.)

I do not know the name

nomen nudum

naked name

non bis in idem

not twice in the same thing

non causa pro causa

not the cause for the cause

non compos mentis

not in control of the mind

Non ducor, duco

I am not led; I lead

non constat

it is not certain

non facias malum ut inde fiat bonum

you should not make evil in order that good m

non impediti ratione congitatonis

unencumbered by the thought process

non in legendo sed in intelligendo legis consistunt

the laws depend not on being read, but on bei

non liquet

it is not proven

non mihi solum

not for myself alone

non nobis solum

not for ourselves alone

non obstante veredicto

not standing in the way of a verdict

non olet

it doesn't smell

non omnis moriar

I shall not all die

non plus ultra

nothing further beyond

non possumus

not possible

non progredi est regredi

to not go forward is to go backward

non prosequitur

he does not proceed

non scholae sed vitae discimus

We learn not for school, but for life.

non quis sed quid

not who but what

non sequitur

it does not follow

non serviam

I will not serve

non sibi

Not for self.

non sibi, sed suis

Not for one's self but for one's own.

Non sibi, sed patria

Not for self, but for Country.

Non silba, sed anthar; Deo vindice

Not for self, but for others; God will vindic

non sum qualis eram

I am not such as I was

non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum

Do not hold as gold all that shines as gold.

non timebo mala

I will fear no evil

non vi, sed verbo

Not through violence, but through the word al

nosce te ipsum

know thyself

nosus decipio

we cheat

noster nostri

Literally "Our ours"

nota bene (n.b.)

mark well

Novus Ordo Seclorum

New Order of the Ages

nulla dies sine linea

Not a day without a line drawn.

nulla poena sine lege

no penalty without a law

Nulla tenaci invia est via

For the tenacious, no road is impassable.

nullam rem natam

no thing born

nulli secundus

second to none

nullius in verba

On the word of no man

nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege

no crime, no punishment without law

nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit

There has been no great wisdom without an ele

numerus clausus

closed number

nunc dimittis

now you are sending away

nunc est bibendum

now is the time to drink

nunc pro tunc

now for then

nunc scio quid sit amor

now I know what love is

nunquam minus solus quam cum solus

never less alone than when alone.

nunquam non

never unprepared


O homines ad servitutem paratos

Men fit to be slaves!

O tempora O mores

Oh, the times! Oh, the morals!

obiit (ob.)

one died

obit anus, abit onus

The old woman dies, the burden is lifted

obiter dictum

a thing said in passing

obscuris vera involvens

the truth being enveloped by obscure things

obscurum per obscurius

the obscure by means of the more obscure

oculus dexter (O.D.)

right eye

oculus sinister (O.S.)

left eye

oderint dum metuant

let them hate, so long as they fear

odi et amo

I hate and I love

odi profanum vulgus et arceo

I hate the unholy rabble and keep them away

odium theologicum

theological hatred

oleum camino

(To pour) oil on the fire

omnes vulnerant, postuma necat or omnes feriunt, ultima necat

All [the hours] wound, last one kills

omne ignotum pro magnifico

every unknown thing [is taken] for great

omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina

everything said [is] stronger if said in Lati

omnia mutantur, nihil interit

Everything changes, nothing perishes

omnia vincit amor

Love conquers all

omne vivum ex ovo

Every living thing is from an egg

omnia munda mundis

everything [is] pure to the pure [men]

omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec probetur in contrarium

all things are presumed to be lawfully done,

omnibus idem

the same to all

Omnis Vir Tigris

"Everyone A Tiger"

omnium gatherum

gathering of all

onus probandi

burden of proof

onus procedendi

burden of procedure

opera omnia

all works

opera posthuma

posthumous works

operari sequitur esse

the act of doing something follows the act of

opere citato (op. cit.)

in the work that was cited

opere et viritate

in action and truth

opere laudato (op. laud.)

operibus anteire

leading the way with deeds

ophidia in herba

a snake in the grass

opus anglicanum

English work

Opus Dei

The Work of God

ora et labora

pray and work

ora pro nobis

pray for us

oratio directa

direct speech

oratio obliqua

indirect speech

orbis non sufficit

the world does not suffice"

"the world is not enough

orbis unum

One world

ordo ab chao

Out of chaos, comes order

orta recens quam pura nites

newly risen, how brightly you shine


"in peace"

pace tua

"your peace"

pacta sunt servanda

"agreements must be kept"

palma non sine pulvere

"no reward without effort"

panem et circenses

"bread and circuses"

para bellum

"prepare for war"

parens patriae

"parent of the nation"

Pari passu

"with equal step"

parva sub ingenti

"the small under the huge"

Parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus

"When you are steeped in little things, you s


"here and there"

pater familias

"father of the family"

Pater Patriae

"Father of the Nation"

pater peccavi

"father, I have sinned"

Pater Omnipotens

"Father Almighty"

Patriam fecisti diversis de gentibus unam

"From differing peoples you have made one nat

pauca sed matura

"few, but ripe"

pauca sed bona

"few, but good"

pax aeterna

"eternal peace"

Pax Americana

"American Peace"

Pax Britannica

"British Peace"

Pax Christi

"Peace of Christ"

pax Dei

"peace of God"

Pax Deorum

"Peace of the Gods"

Pax Domine

"Peace, lord"

pax et bonum

"peace and the good"

pax et lux

"peace and light"

pax in terra

"Peace on earth"

Pax Europea

"European peace"

pax maternum, ergo pax familiarum

"peace of mothers, therefore peace of familie

Pax Mongolica

"Mongolian Peace"

Pax Romana

"Roman Peace"

Pax Sinica

"Chinese Peace"

Pax tecum

"Peace be with you"

pax vobiscum

"peace [be] with you"


"I have sinned"

pecunia non olet

"the money doesn't smell"

pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina

"if you know how to use money, money is your

pendent opera interrupta

"the work hangs interrupted"


"By, through, by means of"

per angusta ad augusta

"through difficulties to greatness"

per annum (pa.)

"through a year"

per ardua

"through adversity"

per ardua ad alta

"through hard work, great things are achieved

per ardua ad astra

"through struggles to the stars"

per aspera ad astra

"through hardships to the stars"

per capsulam

"through the small box"

per capita

"through the heads"

per contra

"through the contrary"

per curiam

"through the senate"

Per crucem vincemus

"through the cross we shall conquer"

per definitionem

"through the definition"

per diem (pd.)

"through a day"

Per Mare per Terram

"By Sea and by Land"

per mensem (pm.)

"through a month"

per os (p.o.)

"through the mouth"

per pedes

"by feet"

per procura (p.p.) or (per pro)

"through the agency"

per quod

"by reason of which"

per rectum (pr)

"through the rectum"

per se

"through itself"

per stirpes

"through the roots"

per unitatem vis

"through unity, strength"

per veritatem vis

"through truth, strength"

per volar sunatasic

"born to fly upwards"*

perpetuum mobile

"thing in perpetual motion"

persona non grata

"person not pleasing"

petitio principii

"request of the beginning"

pia desideria

"pious longings"

pia fraus

"pious fraud"

pia mater

"pious mother"


"one painted"

pluralis majestatis

"plural of majesty"

plus Ultra

"further beyond"

pollice compresso favor iudicabatur

"goodwill decided by compressed thumb"

pollice verso

"with a turned thumb"

pons asinorum

"bridge of asses"

Pontifex Maximus

"Greatest High Priest"

posse comitatus

"force of the county"

post aut propter

"after it or by means of it"

post cibum (p.c.)

"after food"

Post Coitum Omne Animal Triste Est

"After sexual intercourse every animal is sad

post coitus

"After sex"

post hoc ergo propter hoc

"after this, therefore because of this"

post festum

"after the feast"

post meridiem (p.m.)

"after midday"

post mortem (pm)

"after death"

Post mortem auctoris (p.m.a.)

"after the author's death"

post prandial

"after the time before midday"

post scriptum (p.s.)

"after what has been written"

post tenebras lux, post tenebras spero lucem

"after darkness, [I hope for] light"

Praemonitus praemunitus

"forewarned is forearmed"

praesis ut prosis ne ut imperes

"Lead in order to serve, not in order to rule

prima facie

"at first sight"

prima luce

"at dawn"

Primas sum: primatum nil a me alienum puto

"I am a primate; nothing about primates is ou

primum mobile

"first moving thing"

primum movens

"prime mover"

primum non nocere

"first, to not harm"

primus inter pares

"first among equals"

principia probant non probantur

"principles prove; they are not proved"

prior tempore potior iure

"earlier in time, stronger in law"

pro bono

"for the good"

pro Brasilia fiant eximia

"let exceptional things be made for Brazil"

Pro deo et patria

"For God and Country"

pro forma

"for form"

pro gloria et patria

"for gloria and fatherland"

pro hac vice

"for this occasion"

Pro multis

"for many"

pro patria

"for country"

pro patria Vigalans

"watchful for the country"

pro rata

"for the rate"

pro rege et lege

"for king and the law"

pro re nata (prn)

"for a thing that has been born"

pro studio et labore

"for study and work"

pro se

"for oneself"

pro tanto

"for so much"

pro tempore

"for the time"

probatio pennae

"testing of the pen"

procol harum

"beyond these things"

propria manu (p.m.)

"by one's own hand"

propter vitam vivendi perdere causas

"to destroy the reasons for living for the sa

provehito in altum

"launch forward into the deep"

proxime accessit

"he came next"

proximo mense (prox.)

"in the following month"

pulvis et umbra sumus

"we are dust and shadow"

punctum saliens

"leaping point"

qua patet orbis

"as far as the world extends"

quaecumque sunt vera

"whatsoever is true"

quaecumque vera doce me

"Teach me whatsoever is true"

quae non prosunt singula multa iuvant

"what alone is not useful helps when accumula



quaerite primum regnum Dei

"seek ye first the kingdom of God"

qualis artifex pereo

"As what kind of artist do I perish?"

quamdiu bene gesserit

Legal Latin: "as long as he shall have behave

quando omni flunkus, mortati

"When all else fails, play dead"

quantum libet (q.l.)

"as much as pleases"

quantum sufficit (qs)

"as much as is enough"

quaque hora (qh)

"every hour"

quare clausum fregit

"wherefore he broke the close"

quater in die (qid)

"four times a day"

quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make

quem di diligunt adulescens moritur

"he whom the gods love dies young"

questio quid iuris

"I ask what law?"

qui bono

"who with good"

qui pro quo

literally qui instead of quo (medieval Latin)

qui tacet consentire videtur

"he who is silent is taken to agree"

qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur

"he who brings an action for the king as well

qui totum vult totum perdit

"he who wants everything loses everything"

qui transtulit sustinet

"he who transplanted still sustains"

quia suam uxorem etiam suspiciore vacare vellet

"because he should wish even his wife to be f

quid agis

"What's going on?"

quid est veritas

"What is truth?"

quid novi ex Africa

"What of the new out of Africa?"

quid pro quo

"what for what"

quid nunc

"What now?"

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur

"whatever has been said in Latin seems deep"

Quieta non movere

"don't move settled things"

quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"Who will guard the guards themselves?"

quis leget haec?

"Who will read this?"

quis ut Deus

"Who [is] as God?"

quo amplius eo amplius

"Something more beyond plenty"

quo errat demonstrator

"where the prover errs"

quo fata ferunt

"where the fates bear us to"

quo usque tandem

"For how much longer?"

quo vadis

"Where are you going?"

quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.)

"which was to be demonstrated"

quod erat faciendum (Q.E.F)

"which was to be done"

quod est (q.e.)

"which is"

quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur

"what is asserted without reason may be denie

quod licet Iovi non licet bovi

"what is permitted to Jupiter is not permitte

quod me nutrit me destruit

"what nourishes me destroys me"

quod natura non dat Salmantica non praestat

"what nature does not give, Salamanca does no

Quod scripsi, scripsi.

"What I have written I have written."

quod vide (q.v.)

"which see"

quomodo vales

"how are you?"


"of whom"

quos amor verus tenuit tenebit

"Those whom true love has held, it will go on

Quot capita tot sensus

"As many heads, so many opinions"

quot homines tot sententiae

"how many people, so many opinions"

radix malorum est cupiditas

"the root of evils is desire"

Rara avis (Rarissima avis)

"Rare bird" ("very rare bird")

ratio decidendi

"reasoning for the decision"

ratio legis

"reasoning of law"

ratione soli

"by account of the ground"


"[in] the matter of"

rebus sic stantibus

"with matters standing thus"

recte et fideliter

"Upright and Faithful"

reductio ad absurdum

"leading back to the absurd"

reductio ad infinitum

"leading back to the infinite"

regnat populus

"the people rule"

Regnum Mariae Patrona Hungariae

"Kingdom of Mary, the Patron of Hungary"


repetita juvant

"repeating does good"

repetitio est mater studiorum

"repetition is the mother of study"

requiescat in pace (R.I.P.)

"let him rest in peace"

rerum cognoscere causas

"to learn the causes of things"

res gestae

"things done"

res ipsa loquitur

"the thing speaks for itself"

res judicata

"judged thing"

respice adspice prospice

"look behind, look here, look ahead"

respice finem

"look back at the end"

respondeat superior

"let the superior respond"

restitutio in integrum

"restoration to original condition"

res nullius

"nobody's property"

rex regum fidelum et

"king even of faithful kings"

rigor mortis

"stiffness of death"

risum teneatis, amici?

"Can you help laughing, friends?"

Roma invicta

"Unconquerable Rome

Romanes eunt domus

"Romanes go the house"

rosa rubicundior lilio candidior omnibus formosior semper in te glorior

"redder than the rose, whiter than the lilies

rus in urbe

"A countryside in the city"

saltus in demonstrando

"leap in explaining"

salus in arduis

"a stronghold (or refuge) in difficulties"

salus populi suprema lex esto

"the welfare of the people is to be the highe

salva veritate

"with truth intact"

Salvator Mundi

"Savior of the World"

salvo errore et omissione (s.e.e.o.)

"save for error and omission"

salvo honoris titulo (SHT)

"save for title of honor"

Sancta Sedes

"Holy Chair"

Sancta Simplicitas

"Holy Innocence"

Sancte Et Sapienter

"With holiness and with wisdom"

Sanctum Sanctorum

"Holy of Holies"

sapere aude

"dare to be wise"

Sapientia et Doctrina

"Wisdom and Learning"

Sapienta et Eloquencia

"Knowledge and Eloquence"

sapienti sat

"enough for the wise"

Scientia ac Labore

"Knowledge through [hard] work" or "By means

scientia, aere perennius

"Knowledge, more lasting than bronze"

scientia cum religione

"Religion and knowledge united"

Scientia imperii decus et tutamen

"Knowledge is the adornment and safeguard of

scientia vincere tenebras

"Conquering darkness by science"

scientia ipsa potentia est

"For also knowledge itself is power"


"I know"

scire quod sciendum

"knowledge which is worth having"

scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim

"Each desperate blockhead dares to write"

scuto amoris divini

"by the shield of God's love"

seculo seculorum

"Forever and Ever"

Sed ipse Spiritus postulat pro nobis, gemitibus inenarrabilibus

"But the same Spirit intercedes incessantly f

sedes apostolica

"apostolic chair"

sedes incertae

seat (i.e. location) uncertain

sede vacante

"with the seat being vacant"

Semper ad meliora

"always towards better things"

semper eadem

"always the same"

semper excelsius

"always higher"

semper fidelis

"always faithful"

semper fortis

"always courageous"

semper instans

"always threatening"

semper invicta

"always invincible"

semper liber

"always free"

semper paratus

"always prepared"

semper primus

"always first"

semper reformanda

"always being reformed"

semper ubi sub ubi

"always where under where"

semper vigilans

"always vigilant"

semper vigilo

"always vigilant"

Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR)

"The Senate and the People of Rome"

sensu lato

"with the broad, or general, meaning"

sensu stricto cf. stricto sensu

"with the tight meaning"


"I will serve"

Servo Permaneo Bovis Provestri

"Save the Last Bullet for Yourself"

servus servorum Dei

"servant of the servants of God"

sesquipedalia verba

"words a foot and a half long"

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

"If you can read this, you have too much educ

si omnes... ego non

"if all ones... not I"

si peccasse negamus fallimur et nulla est in nobis veritas

"if we refuse to make a mistake, we are decei

si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti; si nil, his utere mecum.

"if you can better these principles, tell me;

si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice

"if you seek a delightful peninsula, look aro

si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses

"If you had kept your silence, you would have

si vales valeo (SVV)

"if you are well, I am well"

si vis amari ama

"If you want to be loved, love"

si vis pacem para bellum

"if you want peace, prepare for war"



sic et non

"thus and not"

sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc

"we gladly feast on those who would subdue us

sic infit

"so it begins"

sic itur ad astra

"thus you shall go to the stars"

sic passim

"Thus here and there"

sic semper erat, et sic semper erit

"Thus has it always been, and thus shall it e

sic semper tyrannis

"thus always to tyrants"

sic transit gloria mundi

"thus passes the glory of the world"

sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas

"use [what is] yours so as not to harm [what

sic vita est

"thus is life"

signetur (sig) or (S/)

"let it be labeled"

Signum Fidei

"Sign of the Faith"

silentium est aureum

"silence is golden"

similia similibus curantur

"similar things take care of similar things"

simplex sigillum veri

"simplicity is the sign of truth"

sine anno (s.a.)

"without a year"

sine die

"without a day"

sine ira et studio

"without anger and fondness"

sine loco (s.l.)

"without a place"

sine nomine (s.n.)

"without a name"

sine qua non

"without which not"

sine remediis medicina debilis est

"without remedies medicine is powerless"

sine scientia ars nihil est

"without knowledge, skill is nothing"

sisto activitatem

"I cease the activity"

sit sine labe decus

"let honour stainless be"

sit tibi terra levis

"may the earth be light to you"

sit venia verbo

"may there be forgiveness for the word"

Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos

"Sun of Justice, shine upon us"

sol lucet omnibus

"the sun shines on everyone", Petronius, Saty

sol omnia regit

"the sun rules over everything"

sola fide

"by faith alone"

sola gratia

"by grace alone"

Sola lingua bona est lingua mortua

"the only good language is a dead language"

sola scriptura

"by scripture alone"

Sola nobilitat virtus

"Virtue alone ennobles"

soli Deo gloria (S.D.G.)

"glory to God alone"

solus Christus

"Christ alone"

solus ipse

"I alone"

solvitur ambulando

"It is solved by walking"

Spartam nactus es; hanc exorna

"your lot is cast in Sparta, be a credit to i

specialia generalibus derogant

"special departs from general"

speculum speculorum

"mirror of mirrors"

spem reduxit

"he has restored hope"

spiritus mundi

"spirit of the world"

spiritus ubi vult spirat

"the spirit spreads wherever it wants"

splendor sine occasu

"brightness without setting"

stamus contra malo

"we stand against by evil"

stante pede

"with a standing foot"

stare decisis

"to stand by the decided things"

Stat sua cuique dies

"There is a day [turn] for everybody"

statim (stat)


status quo

"the situation in which"

status quo ante bellum

"the state before the war"

stercus accidit

"shit happens"


"let it stand"

stet fortuna domus

"let the fortune of the house stand"

stipendium peccati mors est

"the reward of sin is death"

strenuis ardus cedunt

"the heights yield to endeavour"

stricto sensucf. sensu stricto

"with the tight meaning"

stupor mundi

"the wonder of the world"

sua sponte

"by its own accord"

sub anno

"under the year"

Sub Cruce Lumen

"The Light Under the Cross"

sub divo

"under the wide open sky"

sub finem

"toward the end"

sub judice

"under a judge"

sub poena

"under penalty"

sub rosa

"under the rose"

sub specie aeternitatis

"under the sight of eternity"

Sub tuum praesidium

"Beneath thy compassion"

Sub umbra floreo

"Under the shade I flourish"

sub verbo; sub voce

sublimis ab unda

"Raised from the waves"

subsiste sermonem statim

"stop speaking immediately"

sui generis

"Of its own kind"

sui iuris

"Of one's own right"

sum quod eris

"I am what you will be"

sum quod sum

"I am what I am"

summa cum laude

"with highest praise"

summa summarum

"all in all"

summum bonum

"the supreme good"

sunt lacrimae rerum

"there are tears for things"

sunt omnes unum

"they are all one"

sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant

"Children are children, and children do child

suo jure

"in one's own right"

suo motu

"upon one's own initiative"

suos cultores scientia coronat

"Knowledge crowns those who seek Her"

super fornicam

"on the lavatory"

supero omnia

"I surpass everything"

surdo oppedere

"to belch before the deaf"


"I shall rise"

suum cuique tribuere

"to render to every man his due"


tabula rasa

"scraped tablet"

tabula gratulatoria

"congratulatory tablet"

talis qualis

"just as such"

taliter qualiter


technica impendi nationi

"Technology impulses nations"

temet nosce

"know thyself"

Tempora Heroica

"Heroic Age"

tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis

"the times are changing, and we change in the

tempus edax rerum

"time, devourer of all things"

tempus fugit

"time flees"

tempus rerum imperator

"time, commander of all things"

tempus vernum

"spring time"

tempus volat hora fugit

"time flies, the hour flees"

Tentanda Via

The way must be tried

teneo te Africa

"I hold you, Africa!"

ter in die (t.i.d.)

"thrice in a day"

Terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus.

"The hour finishes the day; the author finish

terminus ante quem

"limit before which"

terra australis incognita

"unknown southern land"

terra firma

"solid land"

terra incognita

"unknown land"

terra nova

"new land"

terra nullius

"land of none"

terras irradient

"let them illuminate the lands"

tertium non datur

"a third is not given"

tertium quid

"a third something"

testis unus, testis nullus

"one witness is not a witness"

timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

"I fear Greeks even if they bring gifts"

timidi mater non flet

"A coward's mother does not weep"

timor mortis conturbat me

"the fear of death confounds me"

Totus Tuus

"totally yours"

translatio imperii

"transfer of rule"

Treuga Dei

"Truce of God"

tu autem

"you indeed"

tu autem domine miserere nobis

"But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us"

tu fui ego eris

"I was you; you will be me"

tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito

"you should not give in to evils, but proceed

tu quoque

"you too"


"I will protect"

uberrima fides

"most abundant faith"

ubertas et fidelitas

"fertility and faithfulness"

ubi bene ibi patria

"where [it is] well, there [is] the fatherlan

ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est

"where there is charity and love, God is ther

ubi jus ibi remedium

"Where [there is] a right, there [is] a remed

ubi mel ibi apes

"where [there is] honey, there [are] bees"

ubi dubium ibi libertas

"where [there is] doubt, there [is] freedom"

ubi libertas ibi patria

"where [there is] liberty, there [is] the fat

Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis

"Where you are worth nothing, there you will

ubi non accusator ibi non iudex

"where [there is] no accuser, there [is] no j

ubi pus, ibi evacua

"where there is pus, there evacuate it"

Ubique, quo fas et gloria ducunt

"Everywhere, Where Right And Glory Leads"

ubi re vera

"when, in a true thing"

ubi societas ibi ius

"if there's a society, law will be there"

ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant

"They make a desert and call it peace"

ubi sunt

"where are they?"

ultima ratio

"last method"

ultimo mense (ult.)

"in the last month"

ultra vires

"beyond powers"

ululas Athenas

"(to send) owls to Athens"

una hirundo non facit ver

"One Swallow does not make Summer"

una salus victis nullam sperare salutem

"the only safety for the conquered is to hope

unitas per servitiam

"Unity Through Service"

uno flatu

"in one breath"

unus multorum

"one of many"

Urbi et Orbi

"To the City and the Circle [of the lands]"

Urbs in Horto

"City in a garden"

Usus est magister optimus

"Practice is the best teacher."

ut biberent quoniam esse nollent

"so that they might drink, since they refused

ut incepit fidelis sic permanet

"as she began loyal, so she persists"

ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas

"though the power be lacking, the will is to

ut infra

"as below"

ut prosim

"That I may serve"

Ut proverbium loguitur vetus...

"You know what they say..."

ut res magis valeat quam pereat

"That the matter may have effect rather than

ut retro

"as backwards"

Ut Roma cadit, sic omnis terra.

"As Rome falls, so [falls] the whole world."

ut sit finis litium

"So there might be an end of litigation"

ut supra

"as above"

ut tensio sic vis

"as the extension, so the force"

utilis in ministerium

"usefulness in service"

utraque unum

"both into one"

vade ad formicam

"go to the ant"

vade mecum

"go with me"

vade retro Satana

"Go back, Satan!"

vae victis

"Woe to the conquered!"

vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas

"vanity of vanities; everything [is] vanity"

vaticinium ex eventu

"prophecy from the event"

vel non

"or not"

velle est posse

"To be willing is to be able." (non-literal:

velocius quam asparagi coquantur

"more rapidly than asparagus will be cooked"

veni, vidi, vici

"I came, I saw, I conquered"

veni, vidi et capiebar ad anum

"I came, I saw and I endured a rear assault"

Venisti remanebis donec denuo completus sis

"From whence you came, you shall remain, unti

vera causa

"true cause"

verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat quam pereat

"words are to be understood such that the sub

verba volant, scripta manent

"words fly away, writings remain"


"word for word"

verbatim et litteratim

"word for word and letter by letter"

Verbi divini minister

"servant of the divine Word"

Verbi gratia

"for example"

(v.gr. or VG)

Verbum Dei

"Word of God"

Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum (VDMA)

"The Word of the Lord Endures Forever"

Verbum sap

"A word to the wise is sufficient"



Veritas, Bonitas, Pulchritudo, Sanctitas

"Truth, Goodness, Beauty, and Holiness"

Veritas, Fides, Sapientia

"Truth, Faith, Wisdom"

Veritas Curat

"The Truth Cures."

Veritate Duce Progredi

"Advancing (with) Truth Leading."

Veritas in Caritate

"Truth Through Caring"

veritas lux mea

"Truth is my light." (non-literal: "Truth enl

veritas odit moras

"Truth hates delay"

veritas omnia vincit

"Truth defeats all things"

veritas unitas caritas

"Truth, Unity, Love"

veritas vos liberabit

"the truth will set you free"

[in] veritate et caritate

"with truth and love"

veritate et virtute

"with truth and courage"

veritatem fratribus testari

"to bear witness to the truth in brotherhood"

vero nihil verius

"nothing truer than truth"

versus (vs) or (v.)



"I forbid"

vi et animo

"With heart and soul"

vi veri universum vivus vici

"by the power of truth, I, while living, have


"by the road"

Via, Veritas, Vita

"The way, the truth and the Life"

via media

"middle road"


"in place of"

vice versa

"with position turned"

versa vice

victoria aut mors

"Victory or death!"

victoria concordia crescit

"Victory comes from harmony"

victrix causa diis placuit sed victa Catoni

"the victorious cause pleased the gods, but t

vide infra (v.i.)

"see below"

vide supra (v.s.)

"see above"

vincit omnia veritas

"Truth conquers all"

videlicet (viz.)

"namely", "that is to say", "as follows"

video meliora proboque deteriora sequor

"I see and approve of the better, but I follo

video et taceo

"I see and keep silent"

video sed non credo

"I see it, but I don't believe it"

vim promovet insitam

"promotes one's innate power"

videre licet

"it is permitted to see", "one may see"

vince malum bono

"Overcome Evil with Good"

vincere scis Hannibal victoria uti nescis

"you know [how] to win, Hannibal; you do not

vincit qui se vincit

"he conquers who conquers himself"

viriliter agite estote fortes

"Quit ye like men, be strong"

vir prudens non contra ventum mingit

"[A] wise man does not urinate [up] against t

virtus sola nobilitas

"virtue alone [is] noble"

virtus unita fortior

"virtue united [is] stronger"

virtus in media stat

"Virtue stands in the middle. "

virtus tentamine gaudet

"Strength rejoices in the challenge."

virtute et armis

"by virtue and arms"

vis legis

"power of the law"

visio dei

"Vision of a god"

vita ante acta

"a life done before"

vita, dulcedo, spes

"[Mary our] life, sweetness, hope"

vita incerta, mors certissima

"Life is uncertain, death is most certain"

vita summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam

"the shortness of life prevents us from enter

viva voce

"living voice"

vivat crescat floreat

"may it live, grow, and flourish!"

Vivat Rex

"May the King live!"

Vive memor leti

"I live remembering death"

Vivere est cogitare

"To live is to think"

Vivere est vincere

"To live is to conquer"

Vivere militare est

"To live is to fight"

Vive ut vivas

"live so that you may live"

vocatus atque non vocatus Deus aderit

"called and not called, God will be present",

volenti non fit injuria

"to one willing, no harm is done" or "to him

votum separatum

"separate vow"

vox clamantis in deserto

"the voice of one shouting in the desert" (or

vox nihili

"voice of nothing"

vox populi

"voice of the people"


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